The Fun Archives
February 12, 2007
Fast Food
"I'll have the Cheetah Steak and the Peregrine Falcon Wings."
"Sorry, Sir, we don't carry Fast Food.
Posted by marco at 2:41 PM | Comments (0)
February 8, 2007
Mal wieder was aus Deutschland
Gefunden über Google AdWords:
Matthias Pöhm Rhetorik-Seminar und Schlagfertigkeit -
Ist Ihnen die Antwort wieder zu spät eingefallen? In Zukunft ist das kein Thema mehr für Sie, denn Sie werden durch den Besuch dieses Intensiv-Seminars erfahren, dass Schlagfertigkeit nicht angeboren, sondern erlernbar ist.
Das Beste ist die Antwort-Bibliothek:
Ich frag mich zwar, wie das schlagfertig ist, wenn ich erst mal mit dem Computer online nachschauen kann, mit was für einer spontane Antowrt ich da jetzt zurückschlagen kann, aber wenn man sie alle lernt, ist man nicht mehr zu bremsen!
Z.B. Da sind wohl ein paar Pfunde zu viel! * Hast du ein Problem damit? - Wow, ganz schön schlagfertig! oder
Du Idiot * Da falle ich ja in deiner Umgebung nicht weiter auf
Da bleibt dem Gegenüber sicher die Spucke weg!
Posted by marco at 11:16 AM | Comments (0)
June 4, 2006
Visit Germany for the WM
WM = Die Weltmeistershaft = The Soccer World Cup
If you want to give me something nice: I like these Soccer-Hater shirts ;)
Now I'm very happy to not be in Germany for this great spectacle, given I have absolutely no interest in any organized sports competition and the broadcasting therof. Almost like the the Women for a Football-free England.
But if you really must go and see it first hand, the following links will be helpful:
See this very handy list of tips for Tourists visiting Germany.
Other means of preparation: Listen to The German Joke of the day.
Posted by marco at 2:05 PM | Comments (2)
May 6, 2006
T-Shirt Hell
I don't know why, but this is just so funny ;)
And it's even funnier, because I know so many people can't laugh about it... T-Shirt Hell is great at pissing people off.
Posted by marco at 11:14 AM | Comments (0)
May 5, 2006
It must be true
Posted by marco at 12:06 PM | Comments (1)
April 3, 2006
Prejudice against Germans
It is so hard, living as a German in the US as you constantly have to face the prejudice of the natives, I mean Americans. And companies like VW even aggrevate the situation!
Anyway, prejudice number one is: All Germans love David Hasselhoff.
Let me confess: I did like him.... when I was about 12 years old... I did watch Knight Rider. OK, I thought KIT was way cooler then Michael. But as soon as I heard him singing, that was over! Now look at this clip (70sec) from E!'s The Soup:
Flash or Windows Media (3MB).

If you didn't catch that, the "German" says Danke Schön, Hassel-Off!
Here is a nother site dealing with predjudice about Germany: The truth about Germany
Posted by marco at 11:16 PM | Comments (0)
March 30, 2006
Where did the time go?
Posted by marco at 1:47 PM | Comments (0)
March 13, 2006
Stop the stupid VW ads!
Being a German Engineer myself and living in the US I am deeply appalled by the advertisement VW is airing in hot rotation on American TV at the moment. It features a "German Engineer" with a strange accent (doesn't really sound like any English-speaking German I've ever heared) in a tight white leather suit. I guess the picture those advertising folks had in mind was more one of Sigfried and Roy and less of an engineer.
So I apologize sincerely to all people who had to watch any of these stupid ads! And I say:
Stop zees crap! Or I will me complain!
I will boycott VW until the ads are off the air and not buy a single car of that make!
Posted by marco at 12:09 PM | Comments (0)
March 6, 2006
Fart Studies
I think we should start off with Fart-101: What exactly is a fart?
Do you weigh more or less after you fart?
Advanced Topics, Fart-201:
Do fish fart?
Additional Reading
Who Cut the Cheese: A Cultural History of the Fart
The Gas We Pass: The Story of Farts
The Zen of Farting: Teachings from Original Zen Master Reepah Gud Wan
Walter Canis Inflatus : Walter the Farting Dog, Latin-Language Edition
Walter the Farting Dog: Trouble at the Yard Sale
Rough Weather Ahead for Walter the Farting Dog
Walter the Farting Dog Goes on a Cruise
Walter the Farting Dog Farts Again
Posted by marco at 5:45 PM
February 15, 2006
Funny lighting
View from my office near dusk:
It looks like the O-Shaped Tower is in a glass casing :)
In other news:
If you hear a sirene and want to know what happened, check out Seattle911. Another cool fusion of Google Maps and some interesting real-time data.
Posted by marco at 12:12 AM | Comments (0)
January 19, 2006
Walking the fish
Some Americans are pretty sensitive, when it comes to their strong opinions about anything. Especially the Intelligent design vs. Darwin's Evolution Theory is always good for a heated debate. Business have it especially hard, because they don't wanna lose any customers.
I went a little the sushi place (Rolls n Sushi) at the Marion Food Court and took one of their menues.
Now look closely at the little fish in the lower right:
A fish with legs is the so called "Darwin Fish" - see Wikipedia on the Social implications of the theory of evolution. Some even see it as a symbol for Atheism.
But that little Sushi place surely didn't want to make a statement like that on their menu. I'm pretty sure they just put it on their menu, because it looked cute and after American protests put the sticker on it ...
Posted by marco at 6:07 PM | Comments (2)
December 29, 2005
Mono - awsome freeware game
Check out yet another very addictive game: Mono!
You play this game with your mouse and don't need to click.... you spaceship is always firing on big colorful balls that divide, when hit and leave behind powerups. At first you can go after the balls, but later you end up just trying to avoid them to stay alive. Very simple and stupid - that's why it's fun ;)
Get it from the binary zoo - while they are over their bandwidth limit, I have a mirror ;)
Posted by marco at 12:43 PM | Comments (0)
December 27, 2005
Too Cute
I'm using one of our cute picture from our bunny Opie to link to this site
Cute Overload!
Warning: Do not visit this site if you suffer from diabetes! You get sugar high just from watching the pictures...
Posted by marco at 11:46 AM | Comments (0)
December 16, 2005
What is this? Picture Quiz
Click the image to see more ;)
These are the inflatable fitness balls in the fitness studio I see, when looking out of my window
Posted by marco at 5:09 PM | Comments (4)
I like that ;) I'll support it:
Posted by marco at 12:57 AM | Comments (0)
November 28, 2005
Worst Email Address ever
This is one of the nice telescopes you find at Alki Beach. If you notice the enlarged section below, you see that it contains one of the worst email-addresses I've ever seen:
It violates several good practices:
- Don't put www. in front of an email-address, or people will try to put it into their browser.
- Don't capitalize any letters - otherwise people think usernames are case-sensitive.
- If you are a business, get a domain.
It fits into the picture that there is not a single hit with google, when you search for POVtelescopes...
OK, actually, now there is one ;)
Posted by marco at 4:22 PM | Comments (0)
Quake2 for Java = Jake2
This is cool - you can now play Quake2 on any PC that has JRE 1.4 installed.
On my Windows XP Laptop I get about 37 FPS on timedemo 1, which is almost three times as fast, as I was able to play Quake2, when it first came out.
However, on my Linux machine, that is not graphic-accellerated, I takes about about 2.5 SPF ;)
Posted by marco at 1:47 PM | Comments (0)
November 25, 2005
Let it all out! With BUBBLEWRAP
Do try the Manic Mode ;)
Posted by marco at 10:07 PM | Comments (0)