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April 3, 2006
Prejudice against Germans
It is so hard, living as a German in the US as you constantly have to face the prejudice of the natives, I mean Americans. And companies like VW even aggrevate the situation!
Anyway, prejudice number one is: All Germans love David Hasselhoff.
Let me confess: I did like him.... when I was about 12 years old... I did watch Knight Rider. OK, I thought KIT was way cooler then Michael. But as soon as I heard him singing, that was over! Now look at this clip (70sec) from E!'s The Soup:
Flash or Windows Media (3MB).

If you didn't catch that, the "German" says Danke Schön, Hassel-Off!
Here is a nother site dealing with predjudice about Germany: The truth about Germany
Posted by marco at April 3, 2006 11:16 PM in Category Fun