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October 15, 2006
Thanks Comcast
Wow! After replacing our DVR about 6 times (and thus taking away all the programming and stored shows), forgetting to move the modem to the new account (outage), forgetting to move automated bill paying to the new account (late fee( and having to replace my "couple of years old" (according to the Comcast guy) cable modem (frequent reboots), I finally got some good news today:
Comcast raised the download speed to 12Mbps for free - It used to be 6Mbps. Which you hardly ever got close to anyway ;)
They could have cut my down speed in half, for all I care, if they had instead increase my up speed! Anyway, it looks pretty darn nice on the
Posted by marco at 9:44 PM | Comments (0)
October 14, 2006
Josh's beans-and-rice-and-meat thing
A recipe from a colleague of mine - very easy, but delicious :)
I was probably going to make my usual beans-and-rice-and-meat thing.
Get a pot, sautee some garlic, onions, and shallots in olive oil, add in some meat (sausage and/or chicken) and let it cook most of the way, then add a can of black beans, a cup of uncooked rice, and two cups of chicken broth, and also whatever other spices you like (a little cumin and turmeric, for example, and maybe a sprig or two of tarragon). Bring to a boil then simmer on low for 20-30 minutes. Yum.
Exceedingly easy, and depending on the particular choices of meats/veggies it can be quite yummy and leaves a lot of room for variety (especially when you factor in different kinds of rice and beans, though I usually use jasmine and black, respectively). It is probably as close to "bachelor chow" as you can get without entering boxed food territory.
Posted by marco at 4:37 PM | Comments (0)
October 4, 2006
Rohrnudeln Rezept
Für den Hefeteig:
- 500 g Mehl
- 2 Ei(er)
- 125 ml Milch, lauwarme
- 50 g Butter, zerlassene
- 50 g Zucker
- 20 g Hefe
- 100 ml Milch
- 3 Eigelb
- 2 Essl Zucker
- 2 Essl Vanillezucker
- 1 Essl Speisestärke
- 1 Vanilleschote
- 350 ml Milch
Mehl in eine Schüssel sieben, die Hefe in eine Tasse mit der lauwarmen Milch bröseln, 1 TL Zucker dazu. In das Mehl eine Kuhle drücken, die Hefemilch hineingießen und mit einer Gabel mit etwas Mehl anrühren. Zugedeckt gehen lassen, bis der Vorteig das doppelte Volumen hat. Dann mit den Knethaken verkneten, die restlichen Zutaten hinzufügen und ggf. noch etwas lauwarme Milch hinzufügen, damit ein lockerer Hefeteig entsteht. Zugedeckt gehen lassen. In etwa Zwetschgen-grosse Kugeln formen und in eingefette Form geben, nochmals gehen lassen. Mit Butter bestreichen und im vorgeheizten Ofen bei 170°C etwa 30min backen. Nach 15min die Milch druebergiessenn.
Vanillesosse: Erst Eigelb, Zucker, Vanillezucker, Staerke und ausgeschabtes Vanillemark glatt ruehren. Dann mit Milch aufgiessen und ausgeschabte Vanilleschoten zugeben. Bei schwacher Hitze so lange ruehren, bis die Soße dick wird. Nicht kochen!
Posted by marco at 5:44 PM | Comments (0)