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January 16, 2006

Crash Different

Wow, there are actually people that don't like Macs! Watch this very entertaining video of an editor who rants about all the little oddities of the Mac (Thanks to Duke for passing along) :

Myself, I'm still torn between liking Macs and being used to Windows. Tini has that little iBook, which is fun to play with, but I think I'd rather convert to Linux....so far. Also, because I'm not so much for design, which is what Apple is all about in my opinion ;)

Für alle ausserhalb von Amerika: http://marcofrom.com/images/whymacsucks.wmv

Posted by marco at January 16, 2006 5:46 PM in Category IT

Web marcofrom.com


Tja, "not available in your country"-Fehlermeldungsmist. Wie komme ich denn jetzt an den Stream?/ das File?


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