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September 25, 2005
I really don't hate a lot of things, but rubberneckers are among those (although I had to look up the word)!
We came home Sunday afternoon from a nice trip to the Snoqualmie Falls and on the way back across the West Seattle bridge we encountered slow traffic that was further backed up then even during rush-hour Friday afternoon.
We were suspecting another accident on the West Seattle Bridge, they seem to occur more frequently, recently. But it turned out the accident wasn't on out lane at all! It was just a lot of stupid sheep trying to get a peep at other people's misery! How I despise that! If you can't help, get lost as quick as you can!
I guess even worse are only people that take pictures of accidents, but at least I was standing anyway... ;)
Slow moving traffic on the West Seattle Bridge, 9/25/2005 5:30pm
Is it just me or are do others feel the same way about Americans being rather on the hunt for anything remotely sensational? Yes, in Germany I had a bad accident once on the Autobahn and some fucker even took a picture of all the crashed cars and people involved, but it seems even worse here. The better part of all the local news is about events that really do not deserve that much attention, to my mind at least. What do you say?
Posted by marco at September 25, 2005 9:48 PM in Category