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September 25, 2005


Flying Spaghetti Monster bumper sticker Growing up in Germany, I never really doubted the theory of Evolution. And coming to the States didn't change that: It's not like the opposing forces have a lot of arguments for their Inteligent Design (ID). Even if they use expensive Think Tanks like the Seattle-based Discovery Institute, I still think that the Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM) as the creator of all things constitutes an at least equally likely theory.

The Washington Post has a nice article how recent findings on Chimpanzees bolster the findings of the Evolutionary Theory after Darwin.
For your convenience this article is also available in audio format (MP3) - some might even call it a PodCast ;)

I created that soundfile using Microsoft's Speech SDK 5.1 for Windows® applications - maybe you want to finetune the voice a little.

Posted by marco at September 25, 2005 7:32 PM in Category

Web marcofrom.com


A sane response to the debate: In general, Evolution- that is, the idea that a natural selection takes place due to environmental factors and the traits of genes that favor survival are preserved and those traits that do not favor survival are lost, That idea in general must be true. To be intellectually honest everyone must admit that the logic, and the evidence support this theory. HOWEVER, to continue in an intellectually honest way... evolution as a theory to describe the origin of all life... is a woefully incomplete and impossible explaination.
Explore more, study Eucharyotic biology, understand the principal of complementary, Study mathmatics, thermodynamics:- and you will find out this truth for yourself.
There is nothing that I can write more powerful than this.... If you have a closed mind, then the truth can not reach you. If you have an open mind, then your predjudice can not continue to blind.

The origin of _all_ life? Humans can't even leave their own solar system!

Why is it always the closed minded ones claiming to be open minded, and accusing others that don't agree with them to be closed minded...hmmm...perhaps that's everybody!

Maybe for starters, we should compare apples to apples, in such that evolution theory should be compared with another scientific theory - which ID is obviously not.

Also, does anyone remember if evolution theory claims to explain the _origin_ of life? In my much flawed American education, I only remember this theory as the study of ...er... evolution - and there was something about genetics.

It seems to me that the foundation of ID is: "Waaa! I can't comprehend the nature of reality & existence, therefore there must be something in my image that can! And if it could, it must have created everything!"

Horribly egocentric this seems to me...Will humans ever stop thinking of themselves as the alpha & omega of everything?

Probably not...

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