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March 1, 2005

Fooled with Noodles

Two times I got fooled today, by a package of noodles:
Maiken had given us a little gift: Maggi Spaetlze - Authentic German Dumplings - Imported from Germany (click the link for a picture). She had place the package on my keyboard before I came in.
When I turned on my computer in the morning, it was beeping like crazy and the assorted tech guys suspected CPU, Memory or Graphic Card failure, but it turned out to be the Spaetzle on my keyboard pressing too many keys at the same time ;)

Then, when I looked for an image of the Spaetle package I found one at Amazon.com. But if you look closely and compare to the first link you'll see that this package says "Authentic Swiss Dumplings - Imported from Switzerland".

Hello Mr Maggi, this is the exact same package and one is supposedly imported from Switzerland and one from Germany? Das glaubst du doch selbst nicht! ;)

Update: Mr Maggi has replied (via the nice Nestlé Consumer Response Representative Charlotte):

We have read your email and researched your inquiry. In 2004, we changed production from a factory in Switzerland to a factory in Germany. The formulation is the same, this is why the box you have states a product of Germany and our website stated a product of Switzerland, the website has not been updated yet.
We have reported your comments into our Marketing Department and to our Webmaster. We apologize for any inconvenience or confusion this has caused you.
Wow, that's what I call good customer service: A nice and meaningful answer in under a day! :)

Posted by marco at March 1, 2005 5:36 PM in Category

Web marcofrom.com


Every knows that the spaëtzle are coming from Alsace

Choucroute, Spaetzle, Flammekueche and Baeckeoffe ... miam


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