The Recipes Archives
August 29, 2010
Tiramisu from Italy!My version isn't the original recipe, but I claim that it tastes as good! And especially, if you're in the US, you might not want raw eggs right now... Ingredients:
- 1 lb Mascarpone
- 13 tbsp Eggnog with Alkohol
- 3 tbsp Powdered sugar
- 1 lb Ladyfingers
- 2 cups cold Espresso
- 1 tbsp Cocoa powder

Mix macarpone, eggnog and powdered sugar. Dip ladyfingers one by one into cold espresso and layer them into a nice container. Top with the mascarpone mixture and repeat 2-3 times, finishing with mascarpone.
Refrigerate at least 1 hour. Top with cocoa powder just before serving.
Buon Appetito!
Posted by marco at 5:28 PM
August 22, 2010
German Cabbage Cake - Krautkuchen
Recipe from my mom, typical in the Swabia region around Stuttgart, Germany.
Dough - mix all ingredients together and refrigerate for at least 45min.
- 250 g - 1/2 lb flour
- 120 g - 1/4 lb butter
- 1 egg yolk
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 75 ml - 1/3 cup water
- 1 kg - 2 lbs (white) cabbage, finely grated
- 2 tsp oil OR 1/2 lb diced bacon
- 1 tbsp flour
- 300 g - 0.6 lb sour creme
- 3 eggs
- 1 egg yolk
- Caraway, salt, pepper to taste
- butter to grease the form
Posted by marco at 12:02 PM
January 25, 2009
Spicy Slowcooker Goulash
I was very happy with how my slowcooker Gulasch (German spelling) turned out today. Since my wife didn't want beef, I cooked it quite spicy and shared it with our neighbor ;)
- 1-2 lbs beef (London broil), cubed
- 1 Onion, finely copped
- 1-x cloves of Garlic, finely chopped
- 2 stalks of Celery, chopped
- 2 medium Carrots, chopped
- 1 can of diced Tomatoes
- 1/2 can of Tomato Paste
- 2 Cups of Beef Broth
- 1 Bay leaf
- 1 tbsp Marjoram
- 1-x dried Chili, without stems (add all things spicy, like hot-sauce and chili powder as much as you can take)
- 1 tbsp Paprika
- Salt & Pepper
Brown Onions, Garlic, Carrots and Celery in some Oil for 5min. Add Beef and brown. Add a little red wine, if you want or just the broth and cook loose the brown bits. Mix the contents of the pan and everything else together in the slowcooker.
Cook on low for 8 hrs. If the sauce is not thick enough at the end, cook it on high for a while.
Serve with Sour Creme and Semmelknödel :)
Posted by marco at 8:58 PM
April 20, 2008
Bretzel vs Pretzel - The deluxe recipe
This is the hard way of baking original German (Swabian) Bretzels. For the easy way, check out the Pretzel post at TheFreshLoaf. And by the way, I do think that going the extra mile of creating the Pâte fermentée and using real lye (Food grade Sodium Hydroxide - NaOH, which I bought from AAA Chemicals) is totally worth the effort.
I got the recipe from a German site called Chili und Chiabatta. This is my English version, slightly simplified:
A day ahead, create the Pâte fermentée (fermented dough):
- 144g White Flour
- 94g Water
- 2.8g Salt
- 1 pinch of Dry Yeast
Now create the real dough:
- 578g White Flour
- 340g Water
- 12g Salt
- 14g Fresh Yeast (I used 2.5 tsp Dry Yeasy)
- 36g soft Butter
- 7g Baking Malt (I used 1 tbsp Cane Sugar)
- 240g Pâte fermentée (all the above)
Make about 15 portions (85g each) and roll them out to about 60cm long 'worms' with a thick middle section. Lay into the typical Bretzel shape.
Cover with cloth and let rise for 30-45min. Now cool in the fridge for 30min - the Bretzels are a lot easier to handle afterward.
Now the fun part - The lye:
- 1250g cold Water
- 50g NaOH
(Now is a good time to preheat your oven to 230C) Slowly stir the NaOH into the cold water until fully dissolved. Using a large skimmer dunk each Bretzel into the solution for 5s. Top with coarse salt and using a sharp knife, make an incision at the belly of the Bretzel.
Update: Because those Bretzels taste the best right after baking, I did try to freeze a couple of them at this point in the process and the result was encouraging - Give it a try, if you don't think you will eat all of them right away :)
On a well greased baking pan (No Al!) bake the Bretzels for 14-16min at 230C.
Bretzels taste best when still warm - try them with a Bavarian Cheese spread called, aka Obatzda!
Posted by marco at 7:57 PM
December 18, 2006
I listened to Jamie Oliver's Podcasts yesterday and notably found an original Italian recipe for SpagBol (Spaghetti Bolognese) by Jamie's friend Gennaro Contaldo. I haven't tried it yet, but my own recipe goes a lot differently - I like it with Carrots and a lot of chopped tomatoes. But here it goes, transcribed by me from the Podcast:
- extra virgin Olive Oil
- finely sliced Onions
- Celery
- Half Pork & Beef minced Meat
- 1 Glass of Red Wine
- Couple of Spoons Tomato Puree, concentrated
- 1/2-1 l of Stock
- Bunch Rosemary
When the meat is browned add a glass of vine and let evaporate for a bit. Then add Tomato Puree, and fill up with Stock.
Add whole Rosemary and season (with Salt and Pepper).
Slowly simmer over very little heat for about an hour. Take out the Rosemary and serve (with Spaghetti cooked al dente and sprinkle with freshly grated Parmigiano Reggiano).
Listen to the Podcast yourself and see if I forgot anything - the annotations in the (round brackets) are my assumptions. Also check Wikipedia on Bolognese Sauce.
Posted by marco at 2:00 PM
November 27, 2006
Picture of our Turkey, Tini's Vegetable Casserole, as well as Maggie's Yam Pie and Mashed Potatoes and the Cranberry Sauce. Everything was delicious :)
Posted by marco at 7:47 PM
October 14, 2006
Josh's beans-and-rice-and-meat thing
A recipe from a colleague of mine - very easy, but delicious :)
I was probably going to make my usual beans-and-rice-and-meat thing.
Get a pot, sautee some garlic, onions, and shallots in olive oil, add in some meat (sausage and/or chicken) and let it cook most of the way, then add a can of black beans, a cup of uncooked rice, and two cups of chicken broth, and also whatever other spices you like (a little cumin and turmeric, for example, and maybe a sprig or two of tarragon). Bring to a boil then simmer on low for 20-30 minutes. Yum.
Exceedingly easy, and depending on the particular choices of meats/veggies it can be quite yummy and leaves a lot of room for variety (especially when you factor in different kinds of rice and beans, though I usually use jasmine and black, respectively). It is probably as close to "bachelor chow" as you can get without entering boxed food territory.
Posted by marco at 4:37 PM
October 4, 2006
Rohrnudeln Rezept
Für den Hefeteig:
- 500 g Mehl
- 2 Ei(er)
- 125 ml Milch, lauwarme
- 50 g Butter, zerlassene
- 50 g Zucker
- 20 g Hefe
- 100 ml Milch
- 3 Eigelb
- 2 Essl Zucker
- 2 Essl Vanillezucker
- 1 Essl Speisestärke
- 1 Vanilleschote
- 350 ml Milch
Mehl in eine Schüssel sieben, die Hefe in eine Tasse mit der lauwarmen Milch bröseln, 1 TL Zucker dazu. In das Mehl eine Kuhle drücken, die Hefemilch hineingießen und mit einer Gabel mit etwas Mehl anrühren. Zugedeckt gehen lassen, bis der Vorteig das doppelte Volumen hat. Dann mit den Knethaken verkneten, die restlichen Zutaten hinzufügen und ggf. noch etwas lauwarme Milch hinzufügen, damit ein lockerer Hefeteig entsteht. Zugedeckt gehen lassen. In etwa Zwetschgen-grosse Kugeln formen und in eingefette Form geben, nochmals gehen lassen. Mit Butter bestreichen und im vorgeheizten Ofen bei 170°C etwa 30min backen. Nach 15min die Milch druebergiessenn.
Vanillesosse: Erst Eigelb, Zucker, Vanillezucker, Staerke und ausgeschabtes Vanillemark glatt ruehren. Dann mit Milch aufgiessen und ausgeschabte Vanilleschoten zugeben. Bei schwacher Hitze so lange ruehren, bis die Soße dick wird. Nicht kochen!
Posted by marco at 5:44 PM
May 3, 2006
Recipe: Plum Streusel Cake
This very easy but delicious cake I made for my wife's birthday:
cook 1 pk. vanilla pudding as usual (pudding powder,
2 cups milk, 2 tbsp sugar, try to avoid pudding skin
wash plums, remove stones
preheat oven to 390 degrees F,
butter 11 inch springform pans
melt 4 oz butter in a small saucepan
mix 1 1/2 cup flour with 2 tbsp sugar and 1 tbsp vanilla sugar
(or 1/2 tsp vanilla extract), stir in the liquid butter and
knead batter to crumbly streusel
spread 2/3 of streusel batter into the bottom of pan,
smoothing the top,
layer vanilla pudding on top of batter,
arrange plums on top of pudding, peel facing downwards
optional: add a hint of cinnamon
sprinkle plums with rest (1/3) of streusel topping
bake for about 40 min., remove from oven
serve warm or at room temperature with vanilla ice cream
or softly whipped cream.
For zee Germans:
Posted by marco at 5:22 PM
October 16, 2005
Pumpkin Soup Recipe
I just got this recipe from my mom and we already cooked the soup 3 times in 2 weeks! And everybody that tasted it loved it, too ;)
- In a pressure cooker melt a spoon full of butter and fry a finely chopped onion.
- Add 400g diced pumpkin and 200g diced carrots.
- Fill up with a cup of meat stock or vegetable broth, season with 2 tablespoons of curry powder, a bay leave, salt and pepper.
- Cook about 10min in the pressure cooker (much longer in a regular pot).
- Remove the bay leave, now mashing everything with a potatoe masher or use a food processor.
- Add Creme Fraiche or whipped cream.
- Before serving put some roasted almonds on top and a spoon of sour cream.
Posted by marco at 2:57 PM
November 22, 2004
Thanksgiving is coming up
When I found this recipe, I thought it was perfect for you,
someone just not sure how to tell when poultry is thoroughly cooked,
but not dried out. Give this a try.
- 10-15 lb. turkey
- 1 cup melted butter
- 1 cup stuffing (Pepperidge Farm is good.)
- 1 cup uncooked popcorn (ORVILLE REDENBACHER'S LOW FAT)
- Salt/pepper to taste - Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Brush turkey well with melted butter, salt, and pepper. Fill cavity with stuffing and popcorn. Place in baking pan with the neck end toward the back of the oven. Listen for the popping sounds. When the turkey's ass blows the oven door open and the turkey flies across the room, it's done.
Posted by marco at 5:55 PM
January 26, 2004
Rezepte von meiner Mama
Münchner Gulasch
750g Rindergulasch
1TL Majoran
1EL Kümmel
Brühe, Salz, Pfeffer
1Dose Tomaten, passiert
350g Mehl
2 Eier
aufgeschlitzte Vanillestange
2 getrocknete Zimtstangen
1/2l Wasser
10min kochen, kalt werden lassen und durch ein Sieb in ein min. 3l Gefaess giessen
eine Dose Annanas
Saft zweier Zitronen
4 filetierte Orangen
2 Flaschen trockenen Weisswein
etwas Rum
etwas Zucker
gut durchziehen lassen und erst kurz vor dem Servieren noch mit einer Flasche kaltem Sekt (auch trocken) aufgiessen
Zwiebel in Butter anduensten
400g Kuerbis
200g Karotten
Mit Fleischbruehe aufgiessen
Mit Curry, Pfeffer, Salz, Lorbeerblatt wuerzen
Maisgriess oder Kartoffel zum eindicken
10min im Dampftopf
Creme Fraiche
Geroestete Mandeln
Posted by marco at 4:41 PM