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February 17, 2007

Tim goes shopping

Tim made is first purchase today. He grabbed the remote control for our DVR and managed to purchase an on demand movie for 3.99$. I'll make sure to deduct that from his allowance, once he as one, because the movie sucked!

The Black Dahlia is nominated for an Oscar (Best Achievement in Cinematography):

An adaptation of James Ellroy's novel about two 1940s L.A. cops who head up the hunt for the killer of starlet Elizabeth Short.

Update: At least Black Dahlia didn't win an Oscar, instead Pan's Labyrinth won that category (and others) - a movie I really enjoyed ;)

Posted by marco at 4:46 PM | Comments (0)

February 15, 2007

Post V-Day

Flowers and Greeting-Card vendors hang their heads, on the day after:

Posted by marco at 11:39 AM | Comments (0)

February 12, 2007

Fast Food

"I'll have the Cheetah Steak and the Peregrine Falcon Wings."
"Sorry, Sir, we don't carry Fast Food.

Posted by marco at 2:41 PM | Comments (0)

February 8, 2007

Mal wieder was aus Deutschland

Gefunden über Google AdWords:
Matthias Pöhm Rhetorik-Seminar und Schlagfertigkeit - schlagfertigkeit.com

Ist Ihnen die Antwort wieder zu spät eingefallen? In Zukunft ist das kein Thema mehr für Sie, denn Sie werden durch den Besuch dieses Intensiv-Seminars erfahren, dass Schlagfertigkeit nicht angeboren, sondern erlernbar ist.

Das Beste ist die Antwort-Bibliothek:
Ich frag mich zwar, wie das schlagfertig ist, wenn ich erst mal mit dem Computer online nachschauen kann, mit was für einer spontane Antowrt ich da jetzt zurückschlagen kann, aber wenn man sie alle lernt, ist man nicht mehr zu bremsen!
Z.B. Da sind wohl ein paar Pfunde zu viel! * Hast du ein Problem damit? - Wow, ganz schön schlagfertig! oder
Du Idiot * Da falle ich ja in deiner Umgebung nicht weiter auf

Da bleibt dem Gegenüber sicher die Spucke weg!

Posted by marco at 11:16 AM | Comments (0)

February 6, 2007


A colleague just mentioned this famous quote from Braveheart and I remembered this funny story.

When I went to Scotland with two friends in 2000, we also went to see Stirling Castle. That's were an important battle between William Wallace and the English took place, which is depicted in Braveheart.

Now the local town council thought it'd be a good idea to commemorate this historic event by putting up a stone statue of .... Mel Gibson, an Australian Actor, playing a Scottish folk hero, shouting FREEDOM!. That of course didn't go well with the local population and the statue was target of multiple attacks with Paint and the like.

Now every night at 5pm the statue gets locked into a cage, for it's own protection. So much for FREEEDOM!

Don't believe me? Click the link to the picture. I guess now that Mel has shown his racist side, the thing will stay locked all day long....

Posted by marco at 11:24 AM | Comments (1)