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February 6, 2007


A colleague just mentioned this famous quote from Braveheart and I remembered this funny story.

When I went to Scotland with two friends in 2000, we also went to see Stirling Castle. That's were an important battle between William Wallace and the English took place, which is depicted in Braveheart.

Now the local town council thought it'd be a good idea to commemorate this historic event by putting up a stone statue of .... Mel Gibson, an Australian Actor, playing a Scottish folk hero, shouting FREEDOM!. That of course didn't go well with the local population and the statue was target of multiple attacks with Paint and the like.

Now every night at 5pm the statue gets locked into a cage, for it's own protection. So much for FREEEDOM!

Don't believe me? Click the link to the picture. I guess now that Mel has shown his racist side, the thing will stay locked all day long....

Posted by marco at February 6, 2007 11:24 AM in Category Media

Web marcofrom.com


Hey, da war ich ja dabei und es war am Tag nach meinem Geburtstag! *seufz* Scheee.
Aaaaah, jetzt erstmal den Artikel fertiglesen, und dann meld ich mich bald bei dir. Versprochen.
Liebe Grüße,

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