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February 7, 2006
Use Google Talk to store information
With the new tighter integration of Google Talk and GMail, you get an easy way to archive information, like interesting Websites/URLs, quotes, addresses, etc.
- get yourself a second GMail-account, add it to your friends list in Google Talk.
- log into GTalk with your alter ego to approve your new friend
- you also need to enable "Save chat history" (Settings/Chat) for both accounts! (You can also set that in the GMail settings)
- Now log back into your regular account in GTalk and rename your contact to something helpful (like "Logger")
- All you have to do now is open a chat with Logger and as soon as you close that window, you will have a new entry in GMail, like this:
- You can forward, star and label these conversations just like any regular mail and feel very organised ;)
Posted by marco at February 7, 2006 11:32 AM in Category IT