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September 6, 2005
Bush to attack Muslim countries over Porn-blocking Trojan
Washington, D.C. A Trojan horse, a kind of computer pest, is blocking pornographic websites on infected computers. A spokesperson for President George W. Bush said, "The President is very upset and announced to retaliate immediately."
Once it's installed, Yusufali.a -- called "Cager.a" by Trend Micro -- watches which sites Windows users visit by examining the browser's title bar. If the Trojan sees a word in its list -- such as "teen," "xx," "sex," or "penis" -- it minimizes the window and displays a quote from the Koran:
"Yusufali: Know, therefore, that there is no god but Allah, and ask forgiveness for they fault, and for the men and women who believe: for Allah knows how ye move about and how ye dwell in your homes."
"This Trojan isn't trying to steal money or confidential information, but acting as a moral guardian instead, blocking viewing of sites it determines are unsavory," said Graham Cluley, senior technology consultant for Sophos, in a statement. "This may have been written as a joke, or as a serious attempt to clean-up the habits of Internet users."
Americans all over the States are really getting pissed: "Now they have gone to far. Nobody stands between me and my porn!" an anonymous Hilly-Billy said "Let's get those Muslim punks!"
Now, nearly nine months into his second term, President Bush faces perhaps the most profound test of executive and political skill of his life. One week after hurricane Katrina slammed into the Gulf Coast, wreaking unfathomable devastation, his administration is still scrambling to make up for a delayed initial response that faced broad, bipartisan criticism. Americans are reeling over gasoline prices, and remain skeptical over the course of the Iraq war. Plans for a bold second-term agenda - including Social Security reform and tax reform - sit in doubt. But if he handles this incident swift, retailiates without mercy and stops the involuntary abstinence of the American people polls show his second term might be brighter after all.
Posted by marco at September 6, 2005 12:18 PM in Category
*hehe* are you messing with my porn, punk? areya?
Posted by: mon | September 6, 2005 11:24 PM